Registration Open
Next match registration starts at:
Registration date:
VM-Frühlingsmatch 3/25
KW Handgun Hoofddorp 1

Arbeiten am DNS Server (Changes at DNS server)

Heute am 25.5.2023 kann es zu Problemen beim Zugriff auf das MOS kommen.

Der Internet Provider hat uns über arbeiten an dem Server informiert, auf dem unser DNS läuft.

is is possible, that we will get problems to connetct ot MOS today (25th of May, 2023), cause provider will make changes at DNS server.


Problems with "new password"-Mail


after an update of mail server secure setting, it was not possible to send "forgotten passwords to shooter".

This problem is fixed and you can use this function again.

Thanks for understandig



Changes in Editor of mailsystem

Dear admin,

we changed the editor modul in mailsystem of MOS.
The reason was, that many admins had problems with using this system and used copy/paste with word as source.
The problem was, that many mails didn't transfered correct to the shooter.

Please do not use old mails - delete them - and use the new editor without copy and paste from word or anything else.
The mails will be saved, so you can use it again and again  - also in other matches.

Feel free to contact me, if you have problem with the new editor.

Another feature: We add a "Testmail to admin" button in the mail system - so you can try your mail before you will send it to the shooters.

Admin of MOS


MOS matches 2018

After a successful year 2017 (first time, we organized a shotgun level III match and first time, we organized a grand tournament) we start looking on our matches for 2018.

Most shooters had great fun to shoot two matches at the same weekend, so we decided to continue with that system in 2018 and want to offer three grand tournament events.

But this is not possible without help. So we decided to organize those matches in 2018 together with Club Leiko from Pilzen, like this year (MOS Autumn and S&B Cup in October).

In 2018 we start with another double event (two level III handgun machtes on the same range). In July and September, we go on with another two Grand Tournament events (Handgun and Shotgun).
All matches will be shot on one day, so you can shoot 2x14 stages handgun in spring, win two times, shoot in same or in different divisions, or shoot handgun and shotgun with two-gun scoring at one weekend).

Please save the following dates for 2018:

26.+27. May 2018
MOS Spring Handgun Level III 15 Stages
Grand Prix Sellier & Bellot Handgun Level III 15 Stages

30.6.+1. July 2018
MOS Summer Handgun Level III 15 Stages
MOS Summer Shotgun Level III 12 Stages

29.+30. September 2018
MOS Autumn Handgun Level III 14 Stages
S&B Cup Shotgun Level III 14 Stages

Hope to see you at the range

Guenter Friedrich
Roman Sedy


See Menue MOS -> for shooters

We reactivate "for shooters" in MOS menue - here you find information about using the MOS as shooter.
Grandualy we will publish her shooter information for better work with MOS.

Shooter tips



Please check your shooter data - here IPSC region:

We saw, that many new shooter didn't check the shooter maindata after registration.
Please check your shooter maindata and set "My personal data are up-to-date and correct at the bottom of the page.

Here a PDF how to do that and how to set some other data in shooters account.




Match graphic in matchlist

To all match organisation teams:

We decide to open the upload tool for a graphic in the matchlist to all match administrators.

It is implemented in the "graphic upload" part under "before printing".

This graphic can be uploaded for all level III matches to emphasize the match in the matchlist.

Remember, that this graphic will be displayed INSTEAD of matchname AND place.

So it will be perfect, that your graphic include this data.

Have fun with the new fuction.



Für Matchadministratoren: Auswahl der Schießanlage in den Matchdaten
For matchadmins: select the shooting range in matchdata

Eine neue Funktion erlaubt es die Google Maps Daten der Schießanlage den Schützen zur Navigation bereit zu stellen.
In den Matchstammdaten kann die Range ausgewählt werden, anschließend hat der Schütze die Möglichkeit sich die Lage der Range in Google Maps anzeigen zu lassen.

Neue Ranges müssen uns per Mail unter Angabe des Names der Range und der Google Koordinaten mitgeteilt werden. Nach Prüfung wird die Range ins MOS eingetragen.

A new function makes possible to store the shooting range in match maindata, so shooter is able to use google maps for navigation to the range. Select the match in match maindata, after that, shooter is able to find the range with a link in match details.

If your range is not selectable, send us an e-mail with name of match and google coordinates. We check your data and will append your range.



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