The MOS (Match-Orga-System) gives for diffrent usergroups the following features for data maintenance, administration and output:
For shooters:
- Create and change shooters profile
- Sign in in any match by indicating division and category
- Sign in any squad, where Eintrag in eine Squad, in der noch Plätze frei sind.
- Einsehen der Teilnehmerliste und Squadlisten
For matchadministration:
We distinguish between matchadmin and match cashier with the following possibilities:
Match cashier:
- Assignment of in-payment to the shooter
- Switch shooter to "approved"
- Send e-mail to shooter by "one-click" for requests
additional to all fuctions of the match cashier the matchadmin is able to change the following data:
- Change the shooters squadentry
- Change shooters match data (category and division)
- Fix a shooter in a squad (shooter can not change squad anymore after fixing through admin)
- Change shooters main data
- Append shooters to a full squad
- Delete shooter from match
- Edit match with following data:
- Max. shooters
- Invitatios by upload a PDF
- RM,MD,Stats
- Kind of match (handgun, shotgun or rifle)
- Divisions - if limited - for example only procduction and revolver
- Create and edit stages with the following data:
- Stagenumber
- Stagename
- Stage description ( for example rangenumber)
- number of targets each category (paper targets, plates, popper, noshoot)
- Create squads with the following data (this will be possible in future through match admin):
- Squadnumber
- Squadname
- Squad description
- Number of shooters in this squad
In this time the following outputs are possible:
- takeover ALL data directly in WinMSS
- Output of starterlist for each squad and stage in IROA ordering as PDF-files
- Output of all scoresheets (optional with logo of organizer at all sheets) sorted for each squad and stage in IROA odering as PDF-File
- (new may 2009) Scoresheets optional with a strip of with the results of this stage for the shooter - special paper can be ordered from us.
- (new september 2009) Printout of RO and helperlists
- (new september 2009) Payment list for all shooters and extra only for rangeofficers and helpers
New features September 2009:
- Create TAGS - also for winMSS and filter starterlist with this tags
- Createtimestamps for the following happenings:
Sign-in: at this date and time, you can sing-in to the match
no delete: shooter can not sign.out from match
no change: Squad, Division and Category can not be changed by shooter
matchend: after this date, the match was deleted from matchlist and listed in resultslist.
- Upload Graphic data for all printouts.
- Upload results and to server
- all uploaded results were automatically listed in resultslist
- results and will be send togehter with a matchreport to RD or IPSC
- create a match report with all data incl. RO's and DQ's as PDF